

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

Written by the secretary of the GA, Karl Vie.

Place : Nordfjord Hotell , Nordfjordeid, Norway
Time : Wednesday, April the 29th, 2015 at 5 p.m

Participating countries : Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Great Britain, Sweden and Norway. ( the presence)
The president Nils Ivar Dolvik welcomed everyone.
1. Legal invitation of GA and presentation of the Notice. No comment.

2. The participant of the GA and their voting rights. The president had got the authorities to vote for Switzerland. In addition, those countries mentioned above were represented.

3. Approval of the Agenda. The agenda were approved.

4. Election of the chairman and secretary of GA. Nils Ivar Dolvik was elected to chairman and Karl Vie as a secretary.

5. Election of two members to sign the minutes. Bob van Bon and Patty De Groote were elected.

6. Annual report of the President. In the Presidents report following matters were treated:
a) Fjord horse Databases
b) European Championship Fjordhorses (EC)
c) Homepages and Facebook
d) Meetings and Conference

The annual report were approved without special notes.

7. Report Annual Accounts 2014 and GA approval. Following a recommendation from the auditor, the annual account for 2014 were approved

8 Budget 2015 and GA and approval. The board did not find it necessary to draw up the budget due to small changes in activity and variation in need of budget management, and got acceptance for that.

9 Election
President : Nils Ivar Dolvik Norway 1 year
Three board members :
Jolien Cnapelinckx Belgium 1 year
Maureen van Bon Netherlands 2 years
Inger Davidson Sweden 2 years

Four substitutes – board :
Olav van Leeuwen Netherlands 1 year
Sabine Münch Switzerland 1 year
Jacques Ernwein France 1 year
Susan Petersen Germany 1 year

Auditor Knut Rasmus Hjelle Norway 1 year

10 Free discussion and new ideas.
From the Netherlands:" Why are not veterinary cards determined that we should use, used in all member state".
Also from the Netherlands there were reaction that not member countries did use FjHI website.
On this last issue the conclusion was: We are awaiting to the GA 2016 and see if some of these countries will join as member again, before we take the final decision on use of the website.

11 Final and end of GA.

Nordfjordeid 29.04.15
Bob van Bon -  Patty De Groote

Signed minutes : PAGE 1 - PAGE 2

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