

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

General Assembly FjHI on Wednesday, May 3rd 2017 at 5 P.M.
at Jostedalsbreen National Park Centre in Stryn, Norway

1. Legal invitation of the GA and presentation of the Notice
    Invitation was sent out in time.

2. The Participants of the GA and their voting rights
    Janne Seilen representing Norway
    Jochen Nösinger rep. Germany
    Tijl Delahaye rep. Belgium
    Jacques Ernwein rep. France
    Bob van Bon rep. The Netherlands
    Oda Münch Bronk rep. Switzerland
    Phil Odden rep. U.S.A.
    Flemming Strange Hansen rep. Denmark
    Nils Ivar Dolvik is holding a power of attorney for Great-Britain
    Sweden, Hungary, Australia, Canada are not represented
    Private members: Arne Presthus, Eike Schön-Petersen

3. Approval of the agenda

4. Election of the chairman and a secretary of the GA
    Nils Ivar Dolvik: Chairman, Susanne Petersen: secretary

5. Election of two members to sign the minutes
    Arne Presthus, Flemming Strange Hansen

6. Annual report of the President
    Rules for European Championships have been established.
    Annual report to be found on the website.
    Short discussion about inbreeding. Resume is that inbreeding is not as big a problem in the Fjord breed as in comparably small breeds, partly due to the use of international genetics.

    Substitute Olav van Leeuwen proposes the following work for FjHI: inbreeding, performance testing, DNA testing, use of the UELN.
    Report approved by the assembly.

7. Report Annual Accounts 2016 and GA approval
    Accounts presented as published on the homepage.
    Presentation of the signed report of the auditor.
    Approved by the assembly.

8. The GA relieves the FjHI board of the 2016 supervision and accounts
    The GA relieves the FjHI board.

9. Budget 2017 and GA approval
    No budget is presented.

10. Fee 2017 (Statutes §4)
     The annual fee of 1000NOK for a Breeding Association, and 300NOK for a personal member: remains unchanged.

11. Elections
    A. President (Nils Ivar Dolvik, 1 year) : Elected without objections

    B. Two Board Members (Maureen van Bon, 2 years; Inger Davidsson, 2 years): both members elected without objections.

    C. The Substitutes (Sabine Münch, Phillip Odden, Jacques Ernwein, Olav van Leeuwen, 2 years): all four members elected without objections.

    D. Auditor (Knut Rasmus Hjelle, 1 year): Elected without objection

12. Next GA 2018
    To be held in Nordfjordeid during the first week of May 2018.

13. Others and Suggestions
    Organization International Breed Show is still a topic.
    More time for discussions during next GA is asked.
    Phil Odden stresses the use of the modern Fjord Horse for "non-sport-use" like therapy.
    Eike Schön-Petersen suggests to establish a working group for international representation of the Fjord Horse as a therapy horse or a leisure time companion.
    He also stresses the need to bridge the gap between breeders and buyers of the Fjord Horses.

14. Final and closing
    Assembly closed by Nils Ivar Dolvik at 18:20 o'clock.

Signed on 3rd May 2017
Nils Ivar Dolvik, President - Susanne Petersen, Secretary
Arne Presthus, Flemming Strange Hanssen



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