

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

A project is running to organize the 4th edition of the European Championships in August 2016, on occasion of the Jubilee in Danmark, Vilhelmsborg.
The Fjord Horse International board, assisted by some experts, are working hard to finish common regulations to be applied at the next European Championships for fjord horses. As soon as a draft will be finished, it will be sent to all member countries to be commented on.

The Danish studbook is announcing : "A studbook can have many yearly highlights but years with a jubilee are something very special. Next year August 4th-7th will be a very special time in Denmark. The reason is that the Danish studbook celebrates that 75 years have gone since our first printed studbook was published. In 1931 the Small farmers Association (at that time the Fjord Horses were working horses) decided to organize the breeding and rules for conformations were made. 10 years later 50 breeding stallions and 304 mares were evaluated and the results were published. Jubilees have been celebrated in 1991, 2001, 2006 (a very big one) and 2011 (a very small one).
Our plans for the 2016-jubilee will include both breeding and sport, among other things we hope to be able to host the fourth European Championship for Fjord Horses. We hosted the first in 2006 (in 2009 and 2012 the EC was held in Germany).

The jubilee will take place at Vilhelmsborg,  easy to access and close to Denmark's second largest city Aarhus." 

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