

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

Nils Ivar Dolvik – Inger Davidsson – Maureen van Bon – Jochen Nösinger
Michelle Delaurier (Not attending, sick)

1. Translation of rules from the Nordic Championship.
2. Exhibition in Hamburg area, update
3. Finish of program to the International conference in Nordfjordeid
4. Preparation of annual meeting
5. Others / Elections 2015

Translation of rules from the Nordic Championship.
Jochen had got information from Susanne Petersen that her friend that should translate it to –English needed another 14 days.

Exhibition in Hamburg area, update
Our earlier decision is taken that Susanne Petersen (Germany) and Asle Espe (Norway) should be part of a committee. Susanne Petersen will contact people in Luhmühlen (www.luhmuehlen.de, 40 km south of Hamburg) to calculate costs to rent a place for the exhibition and then they will make an overall budget. Afterwards, one person out of different countries should join the committee.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., cell: 47-480 38 338

Finish of program to the International conference in Nordfjordeid
The conference will be held at the Norwegian Fjord Horse Centre as the years before and is suggested to start at 10.00 AM.
The agenda was discussed, and we agreed to follow the agenda suggested at our last Board meeting:

- Performance tests in Norway. Responsible Nils
- Inbreeding, study on Norwegian and Swedish Fjords with help of DNA. Responsible Nils
- Presentation of the inbreeding calculation system in the Netherlands. Responsible Maureen

- Presentations:
• International breeding data Responsible Jochen
• The Fjords in Hungary Responsible Michelle/ Zoltan N.
• New performance test in France Responsible Michelle/Jacky E.)

- Other (USA / Canada) To think about

If any have good inputs all members are free to come.
Nils send a letter to USA and Canada if they would have 15-20 min. each to present how they organize their work with the fjords.
The agenda should be finalized asap and placed on the homepage and send via mail to the Fjord organisations.

Preparation of annual meeting.
Nils, Maureen and Inger are on election this year. We have to consider sitting on. I have decided to sit another year, especially since I think we will get USA and Canada back. And I hope sincerely that Maureen and Inger will do too.

Nils will write to USA and Canada and hear if they will present themselves on our conference.
Nils will also write to the substitutes to hear if they could sit another year, and if they are willing to engage themselves a little in our work.
The agenda should be finalised asap. Nils will contact Berit for the accounts.
Our annual report has to be prepared: Topics what we have done in 2014.

Statutes: short discussion about the number of substitutes. There are no limits for the numbers?
Out of the present Statutes:
"Every year the president and two of the board members are up for election.
Every year two substitutes are elected for a period of one year."

Next Board Telco : 31.3.2015 , 8 pm


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