

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

Nils Ivar Dolvik – Inger Davidsson – Maureen van Bon – Jochen Nösinger – Michelle Delaurier

1. Finish the program for the Conference at Nordfjordeid, Wednesday 29th April 2015

The conference will start at 10.00 AM and the morning presentations regarding stallion testing and inbreeding are confirmed.
At 13.45 PM, after lunch, presentation of the yearly international statistic tables. Followed by presentations out of different countries, to be confirmed.
Nils will contact Hungary by e-mail.
Michelle will phone to France asking how many time we have to reserve them.
USA and Canada were invited by Nils and they also received an e-mail asking to renew their membership with the FjHI. Nils is waiting their reply.

About the annual statistics, Jochen is missing the information from Norway, Belgium, Great-Britain, USA. We'll do our best to collect it.

The Conference is "open" for all interested fjord horse people.

2. General Assembly 2015

We go through the notice.
If useful, the board members shall give comments to be communicated by the president during the annual report.

Regarding the international exhibition in Germany, we did not receive information yet about location and prices. This point will be discussed on the GA of the IGF, before our GA.

Budget 2015 : Nils will prepare it. We concentrate on one personal meeting and medals to be offered for the different Jubilee shows. In 2014, the Netherlands paid for FjHI medals and the reimbursement will be arranged in May in Norway.

Fees 2015 : the board agrees to propose the maintain of the fees for one year.

Elections :

- President : Nils Ivar Dolvik is on re-election as president for one year.

- Board members : Maureen van Bon and Inger Davidsson are both on re-election as board members for one year. Michelle Delaurier is ending her mandate and is not on re-election. The board regrets but respects this decision. Michelle proposes to go on with publishing news and articles on FB and website and all agree with that. The candidature of a young Belgian breeder will be proposed to continue and finish this mandate.

- Subsitutes : Sabine Münch, Olav van Leeuwen are on re-election. Michelle will ask Jacky Ernwein if he also agrees to be on re-election. Susanne Petersen is interested to come in. The number of 4 substitutes will be proposed and taken up orally in the GA. The board is planning to regulate the statutes regarding this point in 2016.

3. European Championships rules

Inger and Maureen studied the European rules (statutes and regulations as defined after the board meeting in Hamburg) and the Statutes for Nordic Championships (English translation received from Cassandra). It is difficult to collect the necessary information in general regulations, considering the EC levels and lower classes.
Petra was helping us during the 2014 meeting in Hamburg but she cannot go on with it.
We have to send out a project to all the countries. Nils got the information of Denmark being interested to organize the EC in 2016.

Following suggestions are agreed:

- The Swedish procedure about the participants, supported and send by the local organizations, will be written out by Inger to all the board members.

- Maureen will make one complete document with common rules and propose it to the board members, one week before the GA. After discussion, it will be send out to the member countries.

Nils Ivar thanks the board members for the participation in this meeting.

A new meeting is fixed on Tuesday, 21st of April to finalize the Conference.


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