

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

Minutes written by Nils Ivar Dolvik

Nils Ivar Dolvik – Inger Davidsson – Jochen Nösinger – Susanne Petersen (substitute)

Program :

The program of the meeting was to finish the text for the rules for the European Championship for Fjord Horses.
Because two of the member were unavailable for technical and other reasons the meeting started out with some other issues:
First the president informed the Board about USA that has in a written mail said that the NFHR would like to rejoin the FHI!
Secondly we have received information that may be as much as 8-10 persons from USA and Canada will attend the Stallion show at Nordfjordeid in 2016. Therefore we will try to arrange an international conference at Nordfjordeid also in 2016.
Thirdly we discussed in the Board if we should go on and try to arrange an international breeding exhibition for stallions and mares. It was planned to arrange that in the northern part of Germany, in Lumühlen south of Hamburg. We concluded that a such event would be great to combine with some sport activities. Therefore if Germany is able to organize EM in 2018 we will recommend to have both events jointly in 2018.
The main issue of this meeting was to go through the rules for the European championship for Fjord horses for the last time. We had now inputs from Maureen, Aina Huseby and Cassandre Back-Gansmo. The last version was sent out with the notice before the Board meeting the 13th of October.
We agreed to go through the rules for EM in a new meeting already Tuesday the 20th of October by Skype at 08.00 pm.
I strongly encourage you all Board members to be available in this new meeting. If you have problem with Skype please contact Jochen.

Following points in the rules must be discussed and determined:
3.2 Qualified to start: Point D
Dressage 2.3 Test
3 jumping
3.3 Methods...
2nd day
Team competition


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