

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

Sunday 28th of February 2016 (8.30 p.m.- 9:45 pm)

Participants: – Nils Ivar Dolvik – Inger Davidsson – Jochen Nösinger – Maureen van Bon –
                           Invited: Michelle Delaurier


1. Welcome, and approval of the Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of 2nd February 2016 are approved and will be posted on the homepage.

2. Statutes, we will put forward to the GA an alteration of the Statutes
The changes were worked out by Jochen and Michelle and agreed by the board and will be proposed for agreement on the General Assembly.

3. Program for the GA and the International Conference (Wednesday 4th May 2016)
The board goes through the notice and the invitation for the conference. The conference in Norsk Fjordhestsenter will start at 1 PM and the program is ending at 5 PM. The GA will be opened at 6 PM in Nordfjord Hotel.
Nils will finalize these documents to be send out by e-mail to the members and be published on the website. He will also contact the future new members for payment of the membership fee.
Elections :
- President : Nils Ivar Dolvik is on re-election as president for one year.
- Board members : Jochen Nösinger is on re-election as board member for two years. Jolien Cnapelinckx decided to withdraw and is not on re-election. We need a new candidate
- Subsitutes : the election and function of the substitutes is mentioned in the changes of the statutes. Nils will contact the actual substitutes in view of re-elections.

Michelle leaves the meeting.

4. Rules for the E.C. - Inger and Maureen
- It was decided to send out the rules as they are to all members.

5. New board meeting was decided the 4th of April at 08.30 PM



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