

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

written by Nils Ivar Dolvik

Monday 11th of April 2016 (8.00 p.m.- 9:15 pm) - Skype

Participants: Nils Ivar Dolvik – Inger Davidsson – Jochen Nösinger – Maureen van Bon
Invited: Susanne Petersen and Michelle Delaurier

Proposed program:

1. Welcome, and control that all are on board.

2. Conference :
Go through the program and decide if more information to members are needed.

3. General Assembly :
Go through and divide among us who does what. Especially considering the voting. Have now heard from all substitutes.

4. Others :

1. Welcome, and try to get in touch with everyone. Susanne entered the meeting after about 20 minutes and Michelle was unavailable. Approval of the Minutes for 28th of February was already done by e-mail and is published on our homepage.

2. We discussed through the conference program and found it good so far. Susanne was prepared to lead the session about the station test and the performance tests.

3. Then we went through the program for the GA and saw that everything was in there according to the statutes. We divided the work among the board members.

4. Here we discussed the importance of controlling inbreeding. In addition how member countries can perform such a control. FjHI should possibly inform how important it is to have a policy here and how such a control can be carried out.

Nils Ivar Dolvik


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