

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

Written by Nils Ivar Dolvik

Board meeting on Skype on August 22nd 2018 - 20:30-21:45

Board members: Nils Ivar Dolvik –– Jochen Nösinger – Inger Davidsson – Jan Verbeeck
Maureen van Bon not able to attend

1. Welcome by Nils Ivar
Nils wished the board members welcome to the meeting.

2. International conference.
Nils suggested an international conference to discuss if the member countries could be interested to establish an international register for all fjord horses in the world, like the Islandic horses have. And if such a register should be interesting for people results from exhibitions and performance tests should also be incorporated in a such register. Nils will come back to the board with more concrete information.

3. Status concerning the attendance on the General Assembly.
Why does some countries not attend? We found that there are several reasons for that and especially long distances to travel.

4. Plans for further work,
The board will publish on the web the result from our questionnaire about using DNA-test and also the use of UELN-numbers in registration of horses in Europe.
Further will we present presentations for young breeders that they now are preparing in Belgium.

A short presentation that was given at the international conference this year will also be put on our web-side.

5. We discussed if it was possible to have a nearer contact with our substitutes to get ideas and help also from them.

6 Next meeting is planned on Monday the 10th of September at 20.30 on skype.

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