

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

Written by Nils Ivar Dolvik

Board meeting on Skype on October 1st 2018 - 20:30-21:30

Board members: Nils Ivar Dolvik, Jochen Nösinger, Jan Verbeeck, Maureen van Bon and Inger Davidsson.

1. Welcome by Nils Ivar
Nils wished the board members welcome to the meeting.

2. New ideas for FjHI concerning education of new members, videos etc.
An idea from Belgium will be presented later on.

3. International conference about a common register for Fjord horses.
Decision postponed to next meeting. Jan Verbeeck informed us about an international register for a dog breed. We will discuss all that at our next meeting.

4. It was discussed to send out questions to member countries about who uses the original vet. card in the handbook.

5. The board approved Austria as a member.

6. Next meeting is planned the 22nd of November at 20.00 on Skype.


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