

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

Summary from board meeting in FjHI 28th of May 29, 2019 15:00

Present: Jochen, Jan, Maureen, Jenny. Jenny spoke with Leif at 20:30 the same day.

The meeting was held via Skype. We had very little technical problems, the connection was good, and it seems to be an alright way to run such meetings.

Topics we discussed:

The survey is finished and available online. We are ready to continue the work of making UELN-numbers work properly. This will be a further topic in Brussels.

The survey is finished and available online. Nils Ivar is requested to inform more on his DNA-research in Brussels.

Judging across borders:
There is a need for more consequent judging of the horses, f.ex. a stallion that is licensed in one country and then exported to another country and being judged again. It is important for owners and buyers that the horses and being seen with “the same eyes” in the different countries, to make the breeding predictable.

There were also questions on the red book and whether it is being used.

What is the current situation in the fjord horse countries and how is inbreeding measured? We need to know the status and to supervise the situation and assess whether action is required.

Is fertility being measured and is semen quality being tested? Do we need any rules or advices across borders here?

No conclusions were made. These are topics to discuss and to pick up again when we meet again.
See also e-mail from Magni Flyum on topics to prepare for the Brussels meeting.

Ulvik, 29/5/2019
Jenny Wright Johnsen

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