

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

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In the West part of Belgium, a competition was organized to tow a tree with the fjord horse and the special feature was driving with one single line.

The collar harness is an important tool and should be of a perfect size and adapted for the horse.

The single line starts from both sides of the bit, over the neck pass into one rope. This method is a combination of the voice and the hands and it needs a lot of hours training to accomplish precision work. The technique started in the 16th century and was essential for the farmers: one hand on the plough, one hand to lead the horse.

The Flemish farmers are using terms like this:
AIE or JU (forward)
ARR or GERRE (to the left) and there is a constant contact with the horse line
YEUH or JUTSUME (to the right) and there is an interrupt contact with the horse line
HO or OUW (to stop)

The horse is also going backwards and should be able to do a little step (forwards, left or right).

The competition exercises are varied and based on ability. Succeeding is only possible with calm, serene and respectful contact with the horse.

This article was written by Paul Hallaert, free translation by Michelle.

Photo album in our GALERY. (select search "draft")

Hessen, Erbach - 26th May 2017

A nice group of 22 young mares of 3 year old were presented on a show in view to obtain a good breeding premium.
In Germany, young mares can be presented to a judge team in order to be registered as new breeding mares. The show is bringing fjord horse breeders and friends together on a nice place, in a nice ambience and the mares got an interesting evaluation. Note that the foals out of fjord horse mares that were not presented on this show, are also eligible to be registered in the breeding association.

The pictures of Jochen Nösinger are giving an impression of the day and of the good quality of the mares. Congrats to the participants!

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Click here for the CATALOG.

More pictures HERE (photo gallery : search for "ERBACH") Photos by Jochen Nösinger.

Link to the results HERE


Because history and earlier work in the FjHI is important for the future…
Because we want to remember… and learn about the work and experience of former involved persons…
Because we enjoy to be together around the same objectives…

Three speakers were invited and in complement for each other, they all three were presenting very interesting information to the international guests, present in Stryn this year !
First Judith Hegrenes took us back in time with pictures of the old days, showing us that international interest existed a long long time ago!
Arne Presthus explained how and for what reasons the international company was established, 20 years ago, and why the company became an organization.
Eike Schön-Peterson talked about the origin and background of the significant “Official Handbook for Fjord Horse Judges”. A guide to be used by every Fjord Horse breeder, user, evaluator, judge.

If you were in Stryn, you certainly want to hear it again. If you couln’t be inStryn, you have to discover it now !
Click here for the presentation of Arne.
Click here for the presentation of Eike.

Illustrations of this marvellous day taken by Jochen Nösinger :

DSC 5609          DSC 5620

DSC 5633          DSC 5642

DSC 5639          DSC 5660

DSC 5619          DSC 5648

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