

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

The Swedish Fjordhorse organisation is happy to see that fjordhorses born in Sweden come to many different countries and that we get good reports from them.
Earlier the greydun stallion Lyckängs Tempo was approved in Belgium and we have heard that many people think he has a lovely type.
Some months ago the greydun stallion Hangvar Kry was sold from Germany, where he has got quite many foals, to Norway and in the beginning of May he was licensed in Norway too.
And recently the Swedish stallion Flurry was sold to the Netherlands. We hope he will pass all tests with good results and wish him good luck in his new country!

We hope that these good news will give inspiration to all to continue and improve their breeding, and that this will give the result that there will be a lot of good foals next year, in Sweden and of course in all other countries!

Helena Kättström

Flurry   Flurry


hangvarstaty w            hangvar kry w        Hangvar Kry                                        

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