

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.


After a warm welcome with coffee and sandwiches offered by the Fjordhestsenter in Nordfjordeid and thankful appreciated by the international representatives, Nils Ivar Dolvik opened the conference. As you know, Nils Ivar is the leader of the Fjord Horse International Association and he had the pleasure to welcome persons from Norway, Sweden, Germany, France, Finland, Netherlands, Great-Britain, Denmark and Belgium on the international meetings of this Wednesday 30th of April.

The Norwegian breeding plan was presented and Nils stated that their main responsibility is taking care of the type of the fjord horse and of the pure breed 5 generations pedigree. Good quality movements are also very important and the test system is developed in view of it.

Then Nils shows the index for fjord horses and for the stallions of the 10 last years. This presentation gives information about the quality of the stallions and the position over the ten years schedule of individuals.

Below you can find links to all the presented documents.

The conference continued with the presentation, by Elin Furrevik, of the new testing system set up in Norway. Elin is working on the Norwegian Horse Centre. The low breeding numbers of the last years in Europe invited the establishment of a plan that started in 2011 and will run until 2020 and contents the organisation of breeding activities as well as a marketing plan. Another part of the plan is collecting performance data and this will be tested out this year within the 3 Norwegian breeds. Regarding the question which traits should be tested, aims and disciplines are considered. Important traits to evaluate in 2014 are the gaits (walk ; trot ; canter) and the temperamental traits : willingness to work - cooperation - courage -reactivity. In view of marketing we should increase the activities, exhibitions, use of the horse in riding clubs. The purpose is to show the potential buyers how the horse will perform. The international participants at the conference agree that marketing is in the first place equal to high quality. In several countries numerous riding competitions are organized to show quality to the users. Also compete with other breeds is a very good promotion. Riding and driving must be possible without problems. The breeding shows organized now should be completed with other activities to make it more attractive. Closing the presentation, Elin Furrevik states that the main factor of the new testing system is "testing more horses to collect more data" and to improve the horses' movements.

Then the participant countries present the performance tests they are using. You can find this information through links below.

International breeding information: Jochen Nösinger presented the figures we could collect in different countries and if you consult the statistics (link below), you will notice the existence of a joined problem in most of the countries. How can we proceed to increase the breed? We should bring the horses to the people with information about the usability of the horse and its good temper. We should bring people together on exhibitions organized in combination with "use" demonstrations, tests and riding and driving competitions.

The conference was closed at 4 pm in a positive, well-meaning ambience with the participation of the Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, France and Belgium.

Michelle Delaurier

For a print of the article: Click here

Links to the different documents:

Nils       E Furrevik

 Nils Ivar Dolvik, Norway                   Elin Furrevik, Norway

Norwegian Breeding Plan

Index Fjord Horses in Norway

New Norwegian Test System


Stallion Tests in Belgium

Stallion Tests in Germany

Stallion Tests in the Netherlands

Presentation of the French Association

Stallion Tests in Denmark

Stallion Tests in Finland (to receive)

Stallion Tests in Sweden (to receive)

International Breeding Information
° Approved Stallions
° Covered Mares
° Foal Registration
° Mare Registration
° Yearly New Approved Stallions
° Yearly New Registered Breeding Mares



    Michelle                         Maureen                                 Inger

Michelle Delaurier, Belgium             Maureen van Bon, Netherlands               Inger Davidsson, Sweden


    jochen2                        2014-04-30 05

Jochen Nösinger, Germany              Anne Ernwein, France      


Flemming                                       Liisa kaitala

Flemming Strange-Hansen, Denmark         Liisa Kaitala, Finland

Click here to view more photos

Photos : Jochen Nösinger & Michelle Delaurier





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