

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

written by Anne Appleby

Many people reading this may have heard of Wez but some may not have. He is a fjord gelding of humble beginnings , born on a ranch in Alberta, Canada who gained international notoriety for his accomplishments in the sport of Dressage. He was written up in articles and graced the cover of magazines and calendars world wide.

To me he was a food driven, hard working, good natured fellow who distinguished himself by his huge personality and by pouring his heart and soul into any task at hand. Once described as "Old Shep" by a horse show judge, Wez went on to reach the Grand Prix level in dressage and ultimately earn the coveted USDF Gold Medal; the only fjord horse to ever do this.

He was (is) my once in a lifetime horse who I eventually retired from the show ring at the age of 24 because of a stifle injury. Like everything else in life Wez embraced his disability with grace and determination, learning to limp quite effectively and efficiently, whatever it took to get what he wanted! He has a spirit to match none.

One afternoon a year ago I came into the barn and to my horror found Wez down in the stall. Soaked with sweat, sides heaving, eyes wide and nostrils flared, he was in a panic and couldn't get up. How long had he been down? I was alone... what could I do? I had arranged to meet two people at the barn who wanted to "learn about horses" and they arrived and watched helplessly as I pulled and pleaded and frantically tried to help him. I gave it everything I had but the harder I tried the less he did. Finally his eyes rolled back in his head and he lay back and gave up. I tried to be brave but my heart was breaking as I faced the most devastating decision of my life. I had to make the call I had long rehearsed but desperately dreaded for years.

The first call I made was to my partner,Bill. When he answered I could only squeek out "Wez" and the sob on the other end told me he understood. I hung up. The vet call was more difficult because I had to actually speak... the vet said he was on his way. It was Dr. Ernie Grubb DVM from Chambers Prairie Veterinary Clinic who had cared for my animals for over 20 years

The visitors asked if they should leave and I said probably. I didn't think I could share this moment with strangers.

I sat down with Wez and held his head in my lap. What could I say to my old friend? My soul mate? There were no words. As I waited for the vet I decided to indulge my old food hound with any treat he wanted. His eyes were closed now so I knew it was more a gesture for me than for him but WTH. I got up and got a big carrot and on my way back to the stall snapped it in half like I always did. That's when things changed..... Wez's eyes popped open and his head jerked up.
"Carrot? Carrot? Did I hear a carrot?"

... ... CLICK HERE to continue this nice story !!

Other pictures in our GALERY search for : "2015 Wez and Anne"

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