

Fjord Horse International's mission is to host an international forum of member countries around the world


On this page you will find articles about breeding, use and regulations in the different countries where the beautiful Fjord Horse lives.

Introduction to the article about relationship and genetic variance

On the website of FHI you can find a summary of a publication on the relationship and genetic variation between the Norwegian and Swedish Fjord horse population. The paper is called : Segment-based coancestry, additive relationship and genetic variance within and between the Norwegian and the Swedish Fjord horse populations. By: Hanne Fjerdingby Olsen, Saija Tenhunena, Nils Ivar Dolvik, Dag Inge Våge and Gunnar Klemetsdal

Click here to find the article

This article mentioned above is an important contribution to gaining more insight into the genetic variability within the Fjord horse and can provide tools to optimize this variability in the future.

The following article is a complement and answering "Why is this so important?"  :


Dear Fjord Horse friends,

This year is very difficult organizationally. Covid 19 cancels many local, national and international activities with our Fjord Horses. Almost every activity in which many volunteers have invested time and energy is canceled.

It is very unfortunate that Denmark cannot host the European Championships in 2020. Our Danish friends have done a lot of work to make this EUCH a successful and unforgettable event.

We undergo this situation with a heavy heart, but also realize that there is no other choice. After all, the responsibility for society and the care for our fellow human beings is a priority.
But we also want to think ahead. The FHI board was asked to make a proposal to the calendar of the coming international events. We note that some organizations invested not only time and energy, but also money in future activities.

In the run-up to the planning of the EUCH in Denmark, the board of FHI also made agreements with some national studbooks regarding the planning of the following years.
The board of FHI hopes that the calendar of international Championships will be disrupted by Covid-19 for only one year.

After considering the elements known to us and informal consultation with some directly involved parties, the board of FHI makes the following proposal :

2021: Sweden holds Nordic championships
2022: Denmark has the chance to host the European championships
2023: Norway holds the Nordic championships
2024: Germany has the chance to host the European championships

We hope that this planning proposal can contribute to an optimal preparation of the various international championships.
We also hope that this planning gives many people the opportunity to be active internationally.

With kind regards
Jenny Wright Johnsen
president FHI

With the cooperation of many Fjord Horse worldwide breeding associations, we could update the different lists with the 2019 data. 

Thank you, all of you, and especially board member Jochen Nösinger, who was collecting the information. 

CLICK HERE to find the lists ! 

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